Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sakuranbogari (Cherry Picking)

We went to Kaminoyama onsen village in Yamagata Perfecture last weekend with Iki's grandparents. It took about 2.5 hours by Shinkansen, but Iki enjoyed every minute of it sitting with Jiji (his grandpa), while I'm enjoying every minute of it listening to music, and playing with my phone haha!

We came a week earlier so the cherries were not red yet, but they were still really pretty and yummy!!! I never ate that sweet cherry before in my life!

The trees were too high for Iki so he needed someone to help him

We ate so much cherries in 30 minutes and had a really good time!

Oh, and I'm in love with this funny flower nearby the receptionist :p


Yunita said...

Mut ati2.. org bilang dari sepuluh cherry yang ada ditanganmu, HANYA DUA (!) yang tidak berulat... aku sih respect kaum ulat.. hahahaha

Carla Chanliau said...

you look great in the pictures shier. :)

The Diva said...

yeah I was about to express Carla's sentiment. You don't only look great on the pics, I think your HAIR looks much much better when you're in Japan (huahahaha, di Sorowako atau di Korea pasti nggak pernah nemu hairdresser bagus kannnn)

Btw SANDAL CROCS putih item itu AKU juga punya persis!!! uenakkk empukkk ya pakean'e...
Btw have I told you you look stunning too??? Not fat, simply stunning!!!

imoet said...

yunita: heh asem!!
mboh wes, nek beneran ada anggep ae tambahan protein :p

carla: hehe, thanks :p

ella: kamu sama carla bukannya ngomentarin cherry malah ngomentari aku hahha. tapi berhubung aku dibilang great yo seneng :))

thanks, masio look great ya tetep ae ada yg mikir pembantu :p

iyo sandal itu comfortable banget. tiap hari kupake kemana. waktu disorowako warnae jek hitam putih soale ada yg bersihin tiap setengah hari; disini jadine hitam abu abu :p