Monday, April 21, 2008

No Butter Anywhere!!!! (>.<)

Butter is nowhere to be found in Tokyo :(. I can't believe it. It's been two months. We're using margarine for bread already now, but definitely not for cooking or baking *sigh*. Recently I bake something with Iki at least once a week. With no butter stock everywhere, I must find other productive hobby then......(Hiro complained that my "blogging and browsing and chatting" hobby is not productive at all)

I'm wondering when will the butter market condition be normal again, I have long list meals to cook using butter :p


Vivi said...

this is a really weird news.

Really? ABSOLUTELY no butter AT ALL? hhhh. wow. how come?

Andy Laver Sirait said...

there must be butter somewhere..u could ask those french restaurants around..ehehe..

salam dr sesama penduduk tokyo :-)

Benny Suryanto said...

hmmm iya nih sejak kpn gitu aku lht tv, di supa2 kehbsan stock butter. Knapa ya?
Tp aku mana bisa mbedake margarine or butter...tulisane ga ngerti hehhehe...
Aku klo ngolesi roti pake Meiji..
Disini rasae msh ada butter.
hmmm dunno...never bake..
eh...incip incip cake buatanmu dong.

Eniwey kpn ketemuan lg yo...apa kamu pny kenalan org indo laine? mgkn asyik nek isa kumpul brg. But ...*mikir sek*...Kiyo hehehe.

Mbak'e said...

Belanja aja lewat internet, moet, sapa tahu ada. Trus stok yang buanyak, hehe.

Mamisinga said...

sek mending sampean mbak. ndok kene ngga ono lombok malah.. huah syuedih!

imoet said...

YES....there was NO butter at all. Berita di TV tadi pagi bilang kalo butter cuma bisa dipasok di supermarket2 seminggu sekali (tapi gak bilang hari apa). Untung tadi pagi nemu 2, tapi bukan yang unsalted butter :(

Those restaurants definitely will not give me any hehehe....lah mereka juga susah dapatnya sekarang.

Salam balik juga :). Kalo nemu unsalted butter di tokyo, bilang2 ya! haha

Hahaha...pokoke sing sekarang ada du supe ya margarine. Inget2 ae tulisane, nek muncul sing tulisane lain brarti butter hahaha
Laen kalo aku bikinin kue deh, Nov :p

Minggu depan ke tempatmu ya, semoga Iki udah sembuh....

Ada kok temen orang Indonesia. Tuh mamanya rui yang sering komen. Tapi jauh jauh semua. Ntar coba kita atur ketemuan di tengah2 gitu? :p

mamanya rui,
kapan hari juga out of stock tuh mbak. pokoknya ntar kalo aku nemu langsung nye-tok deh

lah emang kamu tinggal dimana sekarang, yu?