Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Banana Choco Milkshake

This afternoon we tried making this banana choco milkshake for snack. As usual I got the idea from this awesome blog: A Bit of This and A Bit of That (^__^)

The ingredients needed are: (for 2 big glasses)
  • 1 banana
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder
  • 100 cc cold milk
First of all, cut the banana.
Iki didn't want to hold the banana because it made his fingers wet and sticky. And then put the banana into food processor.

Pour in the milk

Add the cocoa powder

Whiz in the processor until smooth

Hmmmmm Yummy!!!!


The Diva said...

Hmmmm terlihat enak dan gampang, menggendutkan pula, hahahaha.

Ntar coba ahhh.
Pake blender bisa ya????

Vina Revi said...

ini kesukaan tante Vina jaman hamil anak pertama tahun 2001 dulu, loooh! Tiada hari tanpa banana deh, pokoknya. Toss lah ama Iki yang doyan banana.

Vina Revi said...

btw, dulu aku suka nyampur pake maple syrup juga, Moet. Hasilnya enak, kok! Kebetulan ak memang doyan yang manis-manis.

imoet said...

hehe emang. abis minum segelas, langsung olah raga!!!
blender bisa kok :D

vina revi,
waaah....ternyata ada yang suka
"pisang" juga hihihi. pake maple syrup??? pertama kali denger. ntar coba ahhh

Anonymous said...

Kuenya sih seneng, tapi buatnya repot...(mau enak aja sih):D