Thursday, May 22, 2008

Iki is sick :(

My boy is down with cold today :(. I couldn't hear him scattering and couldn't see him jumping here and there. He still asked for swimming though! He is very weak. He wants me to hug him all the time or accompany him weakly playing on the floor.

Guess I must give up my shopping to mangga dua until he is fine. We are not allowed to go any further than Senayan Plaza now. I must give up my plan to Bali too (sorry Carla & Mariza...) and will go to Surabaya by the end of this month.

Indonesian food outside would be too heavy for him too, so for now I cook all his meal. Another work, but his health comes first. Hopefully he would be fine soon......


Kitchen Planet said...

Yahh kok sakit :(
Iki cepet sembuh yah... biar bisa jalan2 sama mama.
Kepanasan dan kecapekan kali yah? Banyak istirahat aja Mut, biar cepet fit *hugs for you both*

LadyNoor said...

Poor Iki.. Get well soon ya sayang, Jakarta emang panas banget dulu Ameera di sana sakitnya macem2 yg di sini gak pernah...


Benny Suryanto said...

lah kok sakit...

untung dl kiyo pulang ga sakit opo2 rek.

lah gak iso blonjo2 dong hehehe

Vivi said...

perbedaan cuaca? ati ati ya moet, jangan sampe kena DB, kan lagi musim... moga cepet sembuh Ki! akhir bulan ketemu Felicia ya!!