Monday, April 18, 2005

Nostalgia stove

Look look loook!!!!!!!!! [show off mode:ON]

Nostalgia stove

The nostalgia stove..........brought by Yunita from German as a surprise present hehehehehehe *dancing happily*

I saw it at Germany's online shopping website, and ordered it before Yun came, but she said that it was out of order. [LIAR!!!]. Surprisingly then she came with that stove.....[muaaachhhhh to Yun]. And the best part isssss, I don't have to pay hehehe (^_-)

So yesterday, after cleaning the messy desk in my room, I lit the candle, put the lavender aromatherapy and water inside the pan of the stove, enjoyed the relaxing aroma till sleeping the whole afternoon. I Woke up after 4 hours in HORROR because I felt the strong burning smell in my room. The water dried already and I can see black burnt sign at the bottom of the tiny pan. Panic, but I can clean it with wet cloth. Lucky that my nostalgia stove is a STRONG one!! *Phiuhhh*

Thanks Yun. I loooooove this gift.


The Diva said...

Hiiii aku ya mauuu nostalgia stove... itu apa seh, namane kok nostalgia... hiii lucu yaaa kayak mainan kompor2an masak2anku jaman kecil dulu... the ones I used to bang and broke... hehehe, aku lho gak bakat mainan wedok, tapi seneng punya gituan... kalo kamu dah bosen, kasih ke aku yaaa!!! :P

imoet said...

weheheheheheh lucu kannnn
[show off mode:ON lagi]
yun beli di jerman kok. kamu gak usah ngeroyok punyaku!!! (untuk dipecahkan nanti). Jangan harap kuberikan padamu yaa hehehehe
Bakal kubawa kemanapun aku pergi nanti, yayangku juga suka kekekekekkkkkk *keselek*

Wacky Serenade said...

la...kayake imut lama bosene soale mo dibawa ke jepang ama dia hahaha....kamu beli aja di nek gak salah 4.95 euro. btw, aku ya dikasih satu ama yun hahahaha......